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How to deal with serious hair loss?

Publish Time: 2022-09-28     Origin: Site

Under normal circumstances, people will lose 50 to 100 hairs every day on average, which is the result of natural withering of hair after completing the normal growth cycle. However, in some cases, the normal cycle of hair is disturbed and falls off ahead of time.

What conditions can cause hair loss?

1. Genetic factors

2. Diseases and other special situations: such as scalp infection, thyroid disease, chronic renal failure, liver failure, systemic lupus erythematosus, accidents, massive bleeding and other situations can also cause hair loss

3. Specific drugs: taking some oral contraceptives, anticoagulants, hormones, antihypertensive drugs and other drugs may cause hair loss

4. Hormone changes: during pregnancy, childbirth and amenorrhea, hormone levels change greatly, which is easy to cause hair loss; Many men will also have thin hair in their 20s or even earlier due to abnormal hormone levels

5. Pressure

6. Diet: fast weight loss (20 kg per month), or lack of certain nutrients in the diet will cause hair loss.

It can be seen that hair loss may not be completely related to our diet, but eating a balanced diet is conducive to having a full and healthy head of hair.

Five nutrients are beneficial to hair

1. Iron

Iron deficiency will affect the growth and differentiation of hair follicle cells and cause hair loss. Young women, patients taking H2 receptor antagonists (including cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, etc.) to inhibit gastric acid, and vegetarians are at high risk of iron deficiency.

Iron rich foods: lean meat, seafood, animal viscera, nuts, beans and some vegetables (such as spinach) are generally rich in iron. However, phytic acid, polyphenols and other nutrients in food from non animal sources will affect the absorption and utilization of iron. Therefore, we suggest that people eat food from plant sources together with food from animal sources, and add some food rich in vitamin C, which can ensure a certain absorption rate to a certain extent.

2. Zinc

Zinc deficiency can also cause hair loss or make hair fragile. People with poor absorption function, pregnant women, patients with liver disease, kidney disease, and people who drink too much are prone to zinc deficiency. Taking some antihypertensive drugs will also affect the absorption and utilization of zinc.

Zinc rich foods: Oysters (raw oysters), red meat and poultry are zinc rich foods. Beans, nuts, crabs, lobsters and other seafood also contain a certain amount of zinc. Like iron, phytic acid in non animal food will affect the absorption and utilization of zinc.

3. Vitamin D

Salmon and other sea fish are rich in vitamin D, and vitamin D fortified dairy products (milk, yogurt, etc.) also contain a certain amount of vitamin D. However, it is not easy to obtain sufficient vitamin D only by diet. Haze, sunshade and sunscreen can also affect the effect of vitamin D production by skin.

Studies have found that women who lose their hair tend to have low levels of vitamin D. Considering various adverse consequences associated with vitamin D deficiency (such as osteoporosis, decreased resistance, etc.), Chaer and Sister Roar suggested that friends with vitamin D deficiency consult a doctor and then choose the appropriate dose of vitamin D supplements.

4. Protein

Many people who pursue fast weight loss will find that after a period of strict diet, hair becomes thin and fragile, which is due to insufficient protein intake. At the same time, a small number of studies have found that strengthening L-lysine on the basis of iron supplementation can more effectively improve the iron content in some women with long-term hair loss.

Chaer and Sister Roar suggest that you get enough high-quality protein from fish, shrimp, aquatic products, bean products, low-fat dairy products, skinned poultry and lean meat.

5. Essential fatty acids

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