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  • Carnitine is a quaternary ammonium compound involved in the metabolism of most mammals, plants and some bacteria. [1][2][3][4] To support energy metabolism, carnitine transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria for oxidation to generate free energy and participates in the removal of met
  • Carnitine shuttle system

    February 16, 2023
    Free-floating fatty acids released from adipose tissue into the blood bind to a carrier protein molecule called serum albumin, which transports the fatty acids into the cytoplasm of target cells such as heart, skeletal muscle, and other tissue cells, where they for fuel. But before fatty acids can b
  • Therefore, L-carnitine plays an important role in human metabolism. The main application fields of L-carnitine include the field of food additives, the field of feed additives, and the field of drug therapy.
  • L-carnitine, or carnitine for short, is an amino acid that exists widely in human tissues and can be produced on its own. It is an important factor in the energy production process, responsible for sending fatty acids into the granulosa in order to burn them smoothly and produce energy, and is also necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates.
  • Many people have their own diets for weight loss, so how do you know if your diet is really scientific and effective? Will you accidentally step into a weight loss misunderstanding? Don't worry about these, we provide you with the following healthy weight loss common sense.

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