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Vitamin deficiency - a possible cause of cancer

Publish Time: 2022-07-01     Origin: Site

Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for normal functioning of human organs and maintenance of human life activities. If the human body lacks vitamins, not only the function of human organs will be affected, but also many normal life activities may be hindered. Not only a lack of protein in the human body may produce cancer cells, but a lack of vitamins may also lead to the formation of cancer cells.

Lack of sustained release vitamin c or other vitamins may cause cancer

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin with functions such as protecting eyes, promoting cell growth and differentiation, enhancing immunity, maintaining epithelial cell health, anti-oxidation and inhibiting tumor growth. It is mostly found in animal liver, cod liver oil, butter, eggs, green vegetables, etc. in food.

Clinically, retinoic acid is often used to treat bladder papillopathy, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, etc. Vitamin A deficiency may lead to metaplasia of epithelial cells in organs and tissues, which in turn breed cancer cells and cause cancer.

2. B vitamins

B vitamins are water-soluble vitamins, including more than a dozen B vitamins, which have the functions of regulating metabolism, maintaining immune system and nervous system function, promoting cell growth and division, inhibiting blood sugar, anti-fatty liver, controlling and preventing cancer.

B vitamins are mostly found in yeast, soybeans, grains, liver, meat, eggs, fish, rice bran and other foods. Adequate intake can effectively prevent the occurrence of cancer. Such as high intake of vitamin B2 can prevent the metabolic changes of nitrosamines and esophageal epithelial hyperplasia, thereby reducing the incidence of esophageal cancer and cardia cancer.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which can improve human immunity, increase the anti-toxic ability of liver cells, prevent cancer, arteriosclerosis, cataract, rheumatism, etc. It is mostly found in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Adequate intake of vitamin C can inhibit the synthesis of nitrosamines from nitrites and amines in the body, reducing the risk of gastric and esophageal cancer. However, the intake should not be excessive, otherwise it may cause diarrhea, stomach bleeding, kidney stones, gout and other adverse reactions, and women of childbearing age may also experience infertility. So be sure to follow the doctor's advice to supplement vitamin C, do not overdose.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that has the functions of regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism, immunity and hormone levels, promoting bone growth, inhibiting local inflammation, anti-aging, and preventing cancer. It is mostly found in yeast, egg yolk, cod liver oil, dairy products and other foods.

A study by the National Cancer Research Center in Tokyo, Japan showed that plasma vitamin D levels are inversely related to the incidence of cancer, that is, a lack of vitamin D may breed cancer cells and increase the risk of cancer.

5. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It has the functions of moisturizing and anti-oxidation, protecting the liver, regulating blood pressure, treating gastric ulcers, etc. It can also promote skin healing and reduce scars. It is mostly found in eggs, liver, fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts, vegetable oils, etc. in food.

Like vitamin C, vitamin E also has the effect of inhibiting the synthesis of nitrosamines from nitrites and amines in the body. Therefore, lack of vitamin E may breed cancer cells, especially the risk of stomach and esophageal cancer.

In addition to the vitamins described above, it also includes vitamin K, vitamin H, vitamin P, vitamin M and so on. In short, if the human body lacks vitamins, it may also breed cancer cells and cause great harm to the body. Therefore, vitamin supplements should be supplemented in time to maintain vitamin levels within the normal range.

How to prevent cancer?

In addition to genetic factors, cancer may also be caused by acquired factors such as poor dietary habits and lifestyles, untimely treatment of primary disease, and exposure to harmful environments. Therefore, developing good eating habits, a good lifestyle, treating precancerous lesions, staying away from harmful environments, and doing regular cancer screenings can effectively prevent the occurrence of cancer.

The lack of important nutrients such as protein and vitamins in the body may breed cancer cells and cause various cancers. In order to maintain good health and effectively inhibit cancer, the most important thing is to maintain the normal levels of protein, vitamins and other nutrients that the human body needs to prevent cancer cells from becoming cancerous.

People should eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins, especially the middle-aged and elderly people whose body function is reduced and their digestive ability is weak. Vegetables, kiwi, papaya, etc., help prevent cancer and prevent constipation.

Hazardous substances and harmful environments can also cause cancer. Long-term exposure to carcinogens such as formaldehyde, aromatic amines, epoxides, and harmful environments such as ionizing radiation and ultraviolet rays may breed cancer cells and increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, you should stay away from harmful substances and the environment, and you should protect yourself when you have to come into contact with them due to work needs.

Regular cancer screening is an effective measure to prevent cancer. The symptoms of most cancers in the early stage are not obvious, and the patients do not pay enough attention. Once found, it is already in the middle and late stages of cancer, so early screening of cancer is very important.

Squirrel Health Nutrition Technology Co., Ltd.

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